úterý 13. prosince 2011


HUISWERK ARCHITECTEN zavěšuji pět minut po dvanácté. Letos se rozdělili na dvě party: Bowenbouw Architecten a Collectief Noord.  Vzhledem k tomu, že to bylo nedávno, stránky HUISWERK jsou stále platným dokladem jejich práce. Vřele doporučuji web prolistovat. Mimo jiné je velice zajímavé sledovat způsob získávání zakázek. První ceny v „malých“ soutěžích: policejní stanice, hasičská stanice, dostavba mětského centra atd … inspirativní. Profil studia je pro mne ideálním reprezentantem neupocené kanceláře architektů 40+-. Z prací studia je cítit humor, poctivost, švih a ze způsobu vedení kanceláře transparentnost.

All rights for photos reserved HUISWERK ARCHITECTEN © 2011/These copies are for education only. Please, don't make another copies. Thank you very much.

Záměrně jsem dal více projektů než realizací, na ostatní se podívejte sami zde .

p.s. (Martine podívej se na půdorys domu „Housing block In Antwerp“ – na hloubku dispozice atd. , případně jí ukaž tomu, kdo tě učil v bakalářském stupni typologii)

9 komentářů:

  1. Huiswerk: Alphabet made for Exhibition 'Young architects in Flanders' Published in 2001

    Architectural is the world of architecture as a discipline for initiates, introduced by education. Architectonical is the world of every consciously built expression. The architectural thrives for the sublime. The architectonical pursues tectonical evidence. Architecture always has to do with both simultaneously.
    Building does not mean the execution of a completed concept. Building is a way of piling up thoughts which gradually transform into a building. All impressions, events, occasions and mistakes are relevant to the 'building' thinking. Not the aesthetical genius but the strategical ironist is most capable of making meaningful buildings.
    Architecture is no longer the expression of a construction, but rather the construction of an expression. We do not build with stones but with thoughts about stones.
    We are standing in front of the demodernization of architecture. The modern-dialectic process that drives on thanks to the believe in optimalization in time, has passed away. The building is not an ending but a frozen image of a process that is not to grasp. A broadening of the 'now' in an unstable equilibrium of simultaneity.
    Earnestness and irony are, in the architectural field, not necessarely excluding opposites. The image of a building confirms and relativates in one gesture the idea upon which the building is based.
    Form does not follow function. The function, the use of a building has nothing to do with the sense, the meaning of it. Use is always a consequence, never an occasion to.
    Architecture is not about the invention of form. It is about finding and forming. Architecture concerns the 'founded deformed' and the 'deformed found'.
    Humour is never the starting point for an architectonical product.
    Irony comes in when meanings start to shift; a logical consequence of meaningful architecture.
    The commissioner and the urban services are always right. Every context is interesting and every budget sufficient.. All colours are beautiful and all materials are suitable. The juxtaposition of occasions produces tension. This tension is named architecture.
    Architecture should strive to be confused as little as possible with art.

  2. L
    The building is never the logical product of the circumstances. The building is always the victim of the ambitions of its designer.
    The mnemotype takes the place of the archetype and the prototype. The moderns handle the prototype as a model and a starting-point for a building and seek an origin in a utopian future. The classics handle the archetype as a model and a starting-point and seek an origin in a sublimed past. The mnemotype confirms for a moment the quotidian as an emblematic ideal.
    Neo-modernism is necrophilia
    The oxymoron unites the opposites. The post-modern society is filled with ambivalence. Like the modern city, the modern house is the confusion between the past and the everyday. The desire of protection, shelter and intimacy mingles with prefabrication, connectivity and technicity. Our houses become at the same time more house and more machine.
    Contemporary architecture is perimodernistic. It circles around the modern. It is post and neo at the same time.
    An architectonic product is never perfect. Every composition is always slightly wounded. So does not every letter have a meaningful lemma. Quod erat demonstrandum
    We don't believe in things but in the relation between things. The formal experiment should not focus on resemblance but on difference.
    Honest architecture doesn't exist anymore. It is always about a fake relation between form and content. Honest architects don't live long.
    The drawing becomes more and more the reproduction of reality. Isn't reality becoming more and more drawn ?
    The uncontemporary construction confirms the impossibility to be modern again and again. Through this impasse emerges the attention for the usual. Although an application of the usual is always unique. And thereby ahaed off time or uncontemporary (unzeitgemäß).
    Today we discover that history consists of accumulation rather than revolution. Today is the result of a lot at the same time. The new seldom replaces the old, the new is added to the old. It neutralizes the meaning of the past. Only pictures stay behind. They mingle with fiction and kitsch into culture. The culture of abundance and coordination. The 21st-century architecture should be an architecture of simultaneity.
    Architecture is always related to dwelling. Every building is a house in which there is some form of residence. Dwelling is a psycho-existential condition on which architecture has no grip. Architecture can only express it.
    Modern man has in his mobility incorporated 'speed by the need of speed' into his 'psyche'. The urge to speed because of the speed, to accelerated acceleration has taken on a pathological dimension. The neurotic-mobile thinking fully controls action for the sake of action and leads to change for the sake of change. Everything and everybody only wants one thing : different, new, improved, X-tra,...more white. Changing the existent because of the change, as an acceleration because of the acceleration is finally seen as progress. Against the fake of progress we put the progress of fake.
    Opposite to X stands Y en this results to Z: this is an obsolete formula. The Y doesn't follow the X anymore. Dialectic processes doesn't exist anymore and design is not a dialectical process. Everything always originates in simultaneous oppositions.
    Because architecture is no longer a metaphysical doctrine, dogma or style, we first have to produce an architectonic field, specific for each assignment. A background for intuitive ideas. The reverse-design first writes an explanatory note and then cooks up the design. In reverse from Z to A

  3. Thank you for inspirational comments. Do you speak originally Czech or English? (Maybe I have a small response to the "H" and "I")

  4. Meanings always shift.
    It's a consequence of dealing with human beings.

    There is no contemporary architecture because there is no present. Present is a gift and gifted are rare or lost.

    Humor is always the starting point (sometimes).

    X- bullshit

  5. (Proste jsem rozsoup a zkopiroval druhou prilohu vpravo dole z webovek huiswerk, nic vic.) @M.: ty s bodem H nesouhlasis? Huiswerk maj nejspis na mysli tehdejsi modni vlnu karikaturnich post-mvrdv projektu (ranny NL, big atd.)

  6. video z prednasky z dubna 2010:

  7. Ale jo, s bodem H naprosto souhlasim, akorát nahoře používám stejný slovo, tak jsem chtěl přihodit různej význam toho samýho...

    (mimochodem: dostali jsme se do půdorysů a trklo mě něco, co jsem neměl zapotřebí vůbec kontrolovat - při bytu orientovaným od fasády k fasádě studenri dělaj domy mělký 12metrů(!). (5,5 +5,5 a uvnitř disoizice nahňahňaný hovínko "servisu" - hell) Typologii je učil někdo kdo usnul v roce 1975... Sem myslel, že budu hlídat koncept atd ... ale místo toho jsem začal konzultovat co to je soudobá typologie městskýho domu, pohodlí pro střední třídu...

  8. "Huiswerk maj nejspis na mysli tehdejsi modni vlnu karikaturnich post-mvrdv projektu"

    Samožravost a autoreference profese, projekty reagují na jiné projekty (třeba ironicky) .. to opravdu není humor, to je smutný.

    Bod N .. jo!
    Bod X .. beru, že je to manifest a body jsou ostře a zkratkovitě formulovaný, ale s tímhle donekonečna omílaným klišé, jak se doba zrychluje jak všichni tikáme a těkáme moc nesouhlasím.. spíš než realitu to reflektuje repetění tenoučké mediální vrstvy, která z velké části žije sama ze sebe .. opět ta samožravost

  9. Bod X chápu jako ironický výsměch zrychlování jako imperativu dobu. Nevím jestli čtu tu angličtinu správně, ale v tom případě to není v rozporu s tím, co napsal Bohdan.
